
LG Stretch — Double-Wide LCD Display


LG Commercial Stretch Display

LG Commercial Stretch Display


In live events, we use non-standard, wide aspect ratios all the time.  3:1 (three times as wide as it is tall) is not uncommon.


Now, LG Electronics has released two extra-wide LCD displays.  The LG “Stretch” series introduces 29″ and 38″ models, with aspect ratios of 2.85:1 and 3.43:1, respectively.  They feature RGB and DVI inputs, and RS-232C control.  Resolution on the 29″ model is 1366 by 480, and the 38″ model is 1366 by 398.


Designed specifically for signage, I expect these displays will be popping up in retail and hospitality very quickly.


For events, they’d be perfect for digital agenda signage as well as delay screens for widescreen shows.

Posted by Walter Soyka in News, 0 comments